When: Friday, Dec 6 10:00 – noon
Where: The Hampton Inn
Cost: $35.00 for 1 session(s)
Type: In Person
Instructor: Matthew J Rowe , Assistant Professor of Practice in the University of Arizona, School of Anthropology has directed research projects and training programs in the field for
Matthew J Rowe
The Culture, History and Archaeology of Ghana: Notes from the Field
Please join Dr. Matthew J. Rowe, instructor of the Learning Curve’s Tracking the Footsteps of Humanity, World Archaeology, In Search of the First Americans, and Spelunking Through Prehistory for a 2-hour talk on Ghanaian Culture, History, and Archaeology. Dr. Rowe will be using firsthand materials to report on his experiences while living in Ghana and to provide a brief introduction to some of the historic and archaeological sites from Ghana and West Africa
Register for Field Notes: The Archeology and Culture of Ghana
Online registration has been closed for this class. Please call (520) 777-5817 for information.