
When: Monday, March 13 11:30 am – 1:30 pm

Where: Vivace Restaurant

Cost: $65.00 for 1 session(s) Includes Lunch

Type: In Person


Instructor: is a Fellow of the Society for Applied Anthropology and author of numerous books on the tribes of the Southwest.

From Staples to Haute Cuisine

Beginning 500 years ago, food from the New World began to change how the Old World ate, creating new food traditions, feeding nations, and titillating the palates of royalty. Learn how these ancient staples continue to shape how we eat and how we think about food as you learn why Tucson has always been a city of gastronomy.

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Register for Food for Thought – Ancient Foodways of the Southwest – March 13

Online registration has been closed for this class. Please call (520) 777-5817 for information.