When: Monday, Apr 4 11:30 am – 1:30 pm
Where: Hacienda Del Sol Guest Ranch Resort
Cost: $65.00 for 1 session(s)
Type: In Person
Instructor: , is a historian and the author of 6 books and a regular columnist for the Arizona Daily Star.
A History of Women who shaped the Frontier
When the US Army ordered troops into Arizona Territory in the nineteenth century to protect and defend newly established settlements, military men often brought their wives and families, particularly officers who might be stationed in the west for years. Most of the women were from refined, eastern-bred families with little knowledge of the territory. Their letters, diaries, and journals from their years on army posts reveal untold hardships and challenges. They learned to cope with the sparseness, the heat, sickness, and danger, including wildlife they never imagined. These women became an integral part of military posts that peppered the West and played an important role in civilizing the untamed frontier.
Combining the words of these women with original research and tracing their movements from camp to camp, Jan details the lives of women who came west with their military husbands in the mid to late 1800s and explores the tragedies and triumphs they experienced.
Registration for this session cannot be combined with other programs. Each Food for Thought session must be done separately in order to maintain the entree selections.
Register for Food for Thought Session 3: Military Wives in the Arizona Territory
Online registration has been closed for this class. Please call (520) 777-5817 for information.