When: Monday Dec 19 1L30 am – 1:30 pm
Where: Vivace Restaurant
Cost: $65.00 for 1 session(s) (includes lunch)
Type: In Person
Instructor: Cynthia Meier and Joseph McGrath Cynthia Meier and Joe McGrath, co-founders of the Rogue Theatre
Cynthia Meier and Joseph McGrath
Danish writer Isak Dinesen, best known for the epic Out of Africa, also created beautifully crafted short stories. Join us for a discussion of Dinesen’s life and work and hear about the challenges of translating the delectable story of Babette’s Feast to the stage.
Presenters: Cynthia Meier and Joe McGrath, co-founders of the Rogue Theatre.
Menu selections will be presented at the event. Vegetarian options available.
Register for Food for Thought – The Work of Isak Dinesen – A Feast for the Page and the Stage – Dec 19
Online registration has been closed for this class. Please call (520) 777-5817 for information.