Where: The Hampton Inn
Cost: $49.00 for 1 session(s)
Type: In Person
Instructor: is a University of Arizona graduate, who has a love for technology and teaching.
Master Your iPhone Companion
In today’s world technology is developing and changing exponentially, and so is your amazing iPhone. We will cover the in-depth features of the phone and prepare for future advances in Apple technology while we streamline the process of iPhone navigation. Find answers to your most puzzling technical questions and master important features such as: sorting out your photos, creating an organized digital calendar, troubleshooting and so much more! This course is designed for those who have completed Amazing iPhone: Basics, Basics, Basics! or for those with intermediate level understanding of iPhone use.
Register for More Amazing iPhone – Session 1
Online registration has been closed for this class. Please call (520) 777-5817 for information.