Where: The Hampton Inn
Cost: $49.00 (Each session is 1 class meeting)
Type: In Person
Instructor: is a computer, music, and digital photography instructor who is making the transition to portable technology
Adventures, Fun, and Digital Content
Enjoy both paid and free high-quality music wherever you go. Have talking maps take you everywhere in the car and on foot. Use voice dictation instead of the keyboard to make writing easier. Use the iPhone’s rear camera to make excellent photos and videos. Set up the front camera for Skype and FaceTime video and audio chats. Learn how iCloud can coordinate your digital content. Plus even more, including email and Internet searching on the go, plus Message app texting.
If you are new to the iPhone we recommend you enroll in both our Amazing and More Amazing iPhone courses. Experienced users will find both classes to be informative and fun.
Register for More Amazing iPhone (Session 1)
Online registration has been closed for this class. Please call (520) 777-5817 for information.