Where: Mercado San Agustin free parking available - directions will be sent after you register
Cost: $55.00 per person, includes ticket for the streetcar
Type: In Person
Instructor: are the owners and tour directors for Taste of Tucson Downtown.
Culinary & Cultural Tour
Travel back in time to Tucson’s own Haight Ashbury District, better known to locals as 4th Avenue. Take in the vivid history and culinary culture of one of the most unique crossroads in Tucson.
Ride the streetcar and enjoy 4 pre-selected tastings at restaurants along the way. We will visit the new boxcar area called the Yard. Along our route you will visit a few of 4th Avenue’s eclectic shops and learn about some of Tucson’s local history.
The itinerary includes a street car ride and less than 1.25 miles of walking. Tasting menus are preselected and cannot be customized to meet special dietary needs.
Register for Taste of 4th Avenue – Tour 1
Online registration has been closed for this class. Please call (520) 777-5817 for information.