
When: Wednesdays, Feb 5 – 26 10:00 am - noon

Where: The Hampton Inn

Cost: $139.00 for 4 session(s)

Type: In Person


Instructor: Kevin Justus received his Ph.D. in Art History from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. A Chateaubriand scholar and French Ambassadorial Laureate
Kevin Justus

Watteau, Boucher, Mozart and Haydn

Looking at a painting by Watteau, Boucher while listening to music by Mozart or Haydn is like the pairing of a fine meal with a vintage wine, indulgent, refined, of the highest quality, and always transcendent.  While the music of Mozart and Haydn have been universally admired, the artists of the rococo, in this case the French rococo, have been much maligned, misunderstood and frequently dismissed.  Over the last 20 years, the art of the 18th century has undergone a remarkable reevaluation.  Mozart and Haydn share much in common with their earlier French visual counterparts. This connection will be our focus as we seek to discover why the 18th century represents the zenith of cultural achievement and why this “perfect moment” could not be sustained, disappearing like a cloud of elegant perfume.

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