Where: Hacienda Del Sol Guest Ranch Resort
Cost: $55.00 for 1 session(s) includes lunch
Type: In Person
Instructor: received his Ph.D. in physics from the University of Colorado while doing research at the Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics in 1983.
Climate change is constantly in the news. As you read the headlines and listen to the reports, take some time to understand the science that determines the climate of the earth, the role of the sun and the atmosphere, how the climate of earth has changed in the past and how it is changing now, as shown by the past and present temperature of earth. Consider the greenhouse effect; the effect of carbon dioxide; sources of carbon dioxide; the melting of the icecaps; sea level rise, and other consequences of climate change. The politics of man-made Global Warming and the scientific consensus will also be included in this informative presentation that will make the complexities of this important topic understandable for us all.
Register for Food for Thought: The Science of Climate Change and Global Warming
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