Cost: $145.00 for 5 session(s) five on-demand video presentations, each available for 7 days
Type: In Person
Instructor: is currently Principal Pops Conductor of the Grand Rapids Symphony Principal Pops Conductor of the Louisville Orchestra and Principal Pops Conductor and Music Director Emeritus of the Chattanooga Symphony and Opera
Join Bob Bernhardt for a look at musical expression of love from the classics to the contemporary. Explore the music of love as written for the dance floor, the opera pit, the symphony stage, the cinema, and the gloriously varied world of the Beatles. From Prokofiev’s Romeo and Juliet, to Puccini’s La Boheme, to Rachmaninoff’s Symphony No. 2, to Lennon & McCartney’s She Loves You to Max Steiner’sTara from Gone with the Wind, we’ll listen to the music of love in every genre.
Week 1: Love at the Ballet
Week 2: Love at the Opera
Week 3: Love at the Symphony
Week 4: The Beatles in Love
Week 5: Love at the Movies
One 90-minute presentation will be released each Wednesday to be viewed at your convenience using the link provided.
Register for What the World Needs Now: Music as the Language of Love
Online registration has been closed for this class. Please call (520) 777-5817 for information.