
When: Fridays Mar 4 – Apr 8 9:30 am - noon

Where: The Hampton Inn

Cost: $185.00 for 6 session(s)

Type: In Person


Instructor: , MFA, has been writing poems and plays since grade school.

How can writing about our small often powerless experiences do any good or make any difference, when everyday we are bombarded with war, conspiracy theories, civil unrest, ethnic and racial injustice/misunderstanding, pandemic fears, climate change and the list goes on?

Indeed, this sort of personal, vulnerable writing is one of the few things that can make a difference—that can free us from prejudice and fear and connect us to our deepest and most genuine feelings and thoughts, helping us to connect with others in a way that might profoundly change our troubled world.

Join us to explore how writing heals, connects, reveals and reinvents both our style and our stories. We will journal, free-write, play word games, and produce some finished to writing to share each week in a safe, supportive environment as we write stories that make a difference in this crazy time.

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Register for Writing in the Midst of Chaos: The Insight of Writing with Trust in Our Own Experiences

Online registration has been closed for this class. Please call (520) 777-5817 for information.