When: Fridays, Oct. 13 – Nov 17 1:00 – 4:00 pm
Where: The Hampton Inn
Cost: $229.00 for 6 - 3 hour session(s)
Type: In Person
Instructor: is the author of the novels Meridian 144 and The Third Law of Motion, Home Is the Hunter and Other Stories
As kids, visiting our grandparents’ Bucks County farm, my sisters and I would dare ourselves into the cornfield to get lost. Deeper and deeper into the tall corn, we were scared and excited. At last, we’d come to an edge and emerge with a new awareness of corn silk, high blue sky, and sisterhood. And so it can be with writing. We can lose ourselves in the writing in order to explore the mysteries of experiences and emotions, to discover new connections and meanings. Find new inspiration in this multi-genre writing workshop including readings, writing exercises and assignments, group and instructor feedback, and discussion.
Topics will include:
- Creative spirit, writing processes
- Wonder, curiosity, imagination
- Mazes, labyrinths, maps
- Writers’ intentions
- Uses of language, syntax, and forms to capture intense or complicated emotions
- Endings
- Revision
Register for Writing the Cornfield: Lost and Found
Online registration has been closed for this class. Please call (520) 777-5817 for information.